Our partners

© Olivier Borson


With a budget of 107 million euros in 2021, 2 million people benefited from Médecins du Monde’s programmes, spread across some thirty countries.

48% of our resources come from national and international public partners that we thank for their consistent support and trust in our work.

For every donation, Médecins du Monde signs a specific agreement and maintains partnership relationships with the donor all throughout the implementation of the project. The proper administrative and financial management of the organisation and its financial contracts is regularly audited, thus promoting a trusting environment and the renewal of contracts with our loyal donors.

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The DG ECHO, the European Commission’s humanitarian agency, is one the main global donor for humanitarian operations, with a budget of more than 1.4 billion euros every year over the 2021 – 2027 period.

Médecins du Monde was granted the ‘European Union Humanitarian Partnership Certificate’ by the DG ECHO for the 2021 – 2027 period.
The Certificate was issued after a thorough examination of Médecins du Monde, in terms of both quality of operations and management capabilities.

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All our other partners as well as the ones who supported us with bequests or life insurance, for our operations in France and abroad in 2021. We would also like to thank our individual donors.