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Reading Gaza : aid delivery paralized

Gaza : aid delivery paralized


© MdM Suisse

This second snapshot, published by more than 20 humanitarian organizations, details the challenges and obstacles our teams are encountering on the ground to bring aid and support to the Palestinian population, in an enclave deeply devastated by Israeli military operations. These include the deplorable aid worker fatalities, the multiple attacks on so-called “humanitarian zones", the consecutive evacuation orders and access restrictions.

  • 39 363 Palestinians have been reported killed

    in Gaza as of 29 July

  • 91 000 Palestinians injured

    in Gaza as of 29 July

  • 86 % of Gaza

    is subject to so-called “evacuation orders”

39 363 Palestinians have been reported killed

in Gaza as of 29 July

91 000 Palestinians injured

in Gaza as of 29 July

86 % of Gaza

is subject to so-called “evacuation orders”

Currently, Médecins du Monde is operating three Primary Health Care centres in the Middle area.

Although MdM has managed to procure some drugs and disposables locally, the closure of borders and the blocking of entry of key items have hindered the MdM medical team from delivering quality services and ensuring a continuum of care.

The shortage of alcohol-based products is especially critical given the occurrence of skin and infectious diseases.

Article 24.11.2023
The mental health impact of the war in the Gaza Strip
Read the article

« As humanitarian actors, our presence in Gaza is possible thanks to the unwavering commitment of our colleagues on the ground despite great risks to their own lives. Our continued presence should not be mistaken for an indication of unimpeded access. The risks our colleagues are exposed to each moment are unacceptable and contrary to their protections under international law. In Gaza, there is barely any space left to operate at all. We, the undersigned NGOs continue to call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire and maintain it is the only way to provide humanitarian assistance and protect and save lives in Gaza. »