Article 18.10.2023
Open Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Gaza strip and Israel

Open call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza strip and Israel to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and further loss of Innocent Lives.

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Article 17.10.2023
Reaction of Civil Society Organizations to the Launch of the EPO's Observatory on Patent

Civil society organisations respond to the creation of the Observatory on Patents and Technology: To build a sustainable patent system, the EPO must limit patent abuse by implementing stricter patentability standards for the examination of patent applications relating to pharmaceuticals

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Urgent plea to avert unprecedented humanitarian crisis amid looming israeli land incursion into Gaza

We are alarmed by Israel’s call for over a million Palestinians to leave northern Gaza in less than 24 hours. Israel must rescind this order immediately. Demands for the population in its entirety to relocate in such an immediate manner put at risk the lives of those forced to flee. The Government of Israel has not provided any assurances for their safety while in transit or for the safety of civilians remaining in the Gaza Strip as fighting continues.

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Article 08.11.2023
Médecins du Monde deplores and condemns the murder of one of its staff in Gaza

Maysara Rayyes, an emergency doctor and medical supervisor who had worked for Médecins du Monde for two years, was killed, along with several members of his family, when his building was bombed in Gaza on 5 November 2023.

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